EDGAR J. GONZALEZ-GAUDIANO is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Researches in Education, at the Universidad Veracruzana, where he leads the research line of environmental education for sustainability. Posdoc in University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He is also a member of National System of Researches in Mexico (level III).
He has written twenty-two books and more than 100 articles in several specialized journals in the field of environmental education. He is a Latin American liaison person and was a member of the UNESCO Group of Reference for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. He is also the former president of the National Academy of Environmental Education, a NGO which seek to foster formation and research in this field, and a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He has received a number of awards: The National Award to Ecological Merit (2004), in the academicals category and the UANL Award of Research in Humanities (2007). His current research focus is on education for climate crisis.
-Climate Change Education and Communication: A critical perspective on obstacles and resistances
-Complexity in Environmental Education
-Education for Sustainable Development: Configuration and Meaning
-Schooling and Environment in Latin-America in the Third Millennium
-The Latin-American perspective on the debate on education for sustainability
-The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities in Mexico
-Climate Change Education and Communication: A critical perspective on obstacles and resistances
-Complexity in Environmental Education
-Education for Sustainable Development: Configuration and Meaning
-Schooling and Environment in Latin-America in the Third Millennium
-The Latin-American perspective on the debate on education for sustainability
-The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities in Mexico